Mission to Hope with side trip (112km)
Did the ole sneak peak from the tent...cloudy with showers...our turn to cook, rained the whole time. No rush while we packed up our soggy camp gear as it was our turn to Sweep...not the kitchen, but last riders out to help the stragglers. Weather got nicer as the day progressed. A nice side trip to Harrison Hot Springs, everyone ended up there in coffee shops. On the way out, we passed by a bearded chap with a parrot on his shoulder...had to double back for a photo. The days highlight was diverting off the hyway to take the kettle valley rail trail system through the othello tunnels to our camp. It is amazing how small an area you can squeeze 40 tents into (jude - absolutely no room to fart)! Supper was vegitarian shepards pie it was good! not sure what the hamburger substiute was...and a Bobs birthday complete with cake.
Hope to Merrit (111km)
Another chilly start with porridge and scrambled eggs. (jude would never eat that combo at home). And off to conquer the coquihallia summit over the coast mountains. Thanks goodness for a tail wind, but a cool 8 degress at the summit.
Thanks to 40 freezing cyclist a vendor selling hot dogs and Hot chocolate at the summit is that much closer to a very comfortable retirement. After lunch we began our decent, 20 kilometers later flying down the coquihallia we turned off on a beautiful windy hilly secondary hyway with no traffic and still a tail wind, nice way to finish off into merrit. Supper of bean burritos and 2 more birthdays...2 more cakes! Off to the local Pub for "one" with the group, which turned into many. Jude says a kareoke king was born (yeah there was enough peer pressure to get me up for one...but I have to admit I carried the group!) Jude belted one out too!
Rest day
One day off of the regimental regime....got to sleep in, last ones up at 830! Chance to clean our bikes, catch up on laundry, check out some local restaruants and stores, and do some geocaching, which helped us capture a slice of merrit that not everyone gets to see. Also a chance to catch up on our blog which we are sitting here doing together in the tent, everyone else is in bed for big day tomorrow.